Search Results - Gauteng department of health British Health Minister Resigns After Being Caught Breaking Covid ProtocolsMatt Hancock has quit as the British Ministe... Hancock Ajay Gupta A Fugitive As His Co-accused Are Granted BailAs Ajay Gupta failed to hand himself over to... Gupta South African Teachers Worried About Second Wave Of Covid-19South African school teachers are worried ab... Second Taxi Violence: 11 Killed In Taxi Ambush In KznOn Saturday night, 11 people died when a min... Taxi SABC Wants You To Pay For a TV Licence Even If You Don’t Own a TVThe Department of Communications has propose... Sabc SA Permanent Residency Permit Applications Accepted AgainAfter 22 months of not accepting any permane... Department Roadblocks Increase Around GautengGauteng motorists can expect a massive influ... Roadblocks SA Health Minister And His Wife Test Positive For COVID-19South Africas Health Minister, Dr Zweli Mkhi... Minister Gender Reveal Party Leads To Huge California WildfireA California wildfire, that started on Satur... Fire SA’s New Workplace Code Of Conduct IntroducedAfter spending two years working from home, ... Code William Nicol Drive To Be Renamed After The Controversial Figure Winnie MandelaOne of the busiest roads in Gauteng, William... Winnie Cape Town Rugby Sevens CancelledWorld Rugby has cancelled its annual Cape To... Rugby Wits Students Growing High-Tech Cannabis With Government ApprovalIt has almost been three years since South A... Cultivation The Plague Outbreak Has ReturnedIs history about to repeat itself? It seems ... Plague Omicron Spreading Faster Than Any Other VariantCompared to other variants, the omicron vari... Omicron Us Second-quarter Economic Growth Revised Higher & Jobless Claims RiseThe US economy had faster growth than previo... Growth Feline Takes Death Leap From Fifth Floor Of Burning Building And Casually Walks OffA cat made a death leap to safety after an a... Fire Matric Final Exams Moved Forward Because Of ElectionsThe Department of Basic Education has announ... Matric World Health Organisation Identifies Sa As A Priority Country For PlagueSouth Africa is one of nine countries which ... Plague Classmate Stabs Richmond High School Pupil To DeathNews has emerged of a stabbing to death of o... Pupil The AA Rejects The Proposed Zero Blood Alcohol LimitThe Automobile Association (AA) of South Afr... Alcohol Water Pumping Station Explodes In GautengA water pumping station has exploded in Eike... Water Ramaphosa Expected To Address The Nation About Rising COVID numbersAfter the number of COVID-19 cases has incre... South Drunk Driver Crashes Into Roadblock Killing Two Jmpd OfficersOn Monday evening a drunk driver was arreste... Officers < 12345 >